
Thursday, January 5, 2012

Digital Tools Matrix

My first reflection is upon Technology Integration Matrix

I should reflect upon where I am nowadays and where I'd like to be according to my own educational context.

Well, I have to say the table is very detailed. It was quite difficult for me to decide where I am now, but it was quite easy to decide where I would like to be. 

I would like to get to Goal-Directed Transformation Stage as all my students are adults and are capable of taking the responsibility for their own learning.

Transformation Student
"•Students engage in ongoing metacognitive activities at a level that may have been unattainable without the support of technology tools. Students are empowered to extend the use of technology tools and have greater ownership and responsibility for learning."

Transformation Teacher
"•The teacher creates a rich learning environment in which students regularly engage in higher order planning activities that may have been impossible to achieve without technology. The teacher sets a context in which students are encouraged to use technology tools in unconventional ways that best enable them to monitor their own learning."

Transformation Environment
"•The setting includes access to a wide variety of technology tools and robust access to online resources for all students simultaneously."

At the moment I think I am at Authentic-Adaptation stage with my students. At least I hope I am.

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